Impact of Long Term Tillage and Soil Moisture Regime on the Sulphur, Organic Carbon, DOC, MBC and MBN of Soil under Mung Bean-Wheat and Sorghum-Wheat Cropping System

Deepak Kochar *

Department of Soil Science, C.C.S. Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana), India.

Rohtas Kumar

Department of Soil Science, C.C.S. Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The field experiment entitled was conducted during 2021-22 on an on-going long term experiment which was started since 2006-07 at Soil Research Farm, Department of Soil Science, CCS HAU, Hisar. The field experiment consisted of three tillage treatments i.e. CT-CT (Conventional tillage in both kharif and rabi season), ZT-CT (Zero tillage in kharif and conventional tillage in rabi) and ZT-ZT (Zero tillage in both kharif and rabi season). The experiment also consisted of two cropping systems MW and SW (Mung bean-wheat and sorghum-wheat) and three soil moisture regimes (IW/CPE= 0.60, 0.75 and 0.90) with three replications. The results of the experiments revealed that the sulphur, organic carbon, DOC, MBC and MBN content of the soil were higher under MW than SW cropping system. The highest mean value of sulphur, organic carbon, DOC, MBC and MBN was reported under ZT-ZT followed by ZT-CT and the lowest mean value was under CT-CT under both cropping systems. Similarly, the soil moisture regime M0.90 reported the highest mean value of available sulphur, organic carbon, DOC, MBC and MBN content followed by M0.75 whereas the lowest mean value was under M0.60 under both the cropping system.

Keywords: Zero tillage, cropping system, DOC, MBC, organic carbon

How to Cite

Kochar, Deepak, and Rohtas Kumar. 2024. “Impact of Long Term Tillage and Soil Moisture Regime on the Sulphur, Organic Carbon, DOC, MBC and MBN of Soil under Mung Bean-Wheat and Sorghum-Wheat Cropping System”. Asian Journal of Research in Biochemistry 14 (5):62-71.