Green Synthesis of Metal Complexes of Thiazole-based Schiff Bases: A Review

Danhalilu R.L *

Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State, Nigeria.

Aliyu I. Kankara

Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State, Nigeria.

Idris S.Ibrahim

Kano Sate Polytechnic, Kano, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Green synthesis methods for the production of metal complexes, including those of thiazole-based Schiff bases, have gained significant attention. This review focused on the green synthesis approaches for the synthesis of metal complexes of thiazole- based Schiff bases. The synthetic techniques include: Microwave-assisted synthesis, plant-mediated synthesis, microbial synthesis, solvent-free reactions, and biocatalysis. The advantages of this greener synthesis over conventional methods of synthesis were also considered. The challenges, limitations and future perspectives of the greener alternatives were looked at.

Keywords: Green synthesis, thiazole- based Schiff bases, microwave-assisted synthesis, mechanochemical synthesis, nanoparticles

How to Cite

R.L, Danhalilu, Aliyu I. Kankara, and Idris S.Ibrahim. 2025. “Green Synthesis of Metal Complexes of Thiazole-Based Schiff Bases: A Review”. Asian Journal of Research in Biochemistry 15 (1):115-24.